This pitch black pop-up exhibit at the MoMa in NYC will be the only place where people can observe art in darkness. Museum-goers will get a Google Pixel phone before entering an exhibit filled with different paintings and objects that can only be discovered through Night Sight.
CW: Jessica mastorides | ad: rachel hayashi | professor: mel white

With digital billboards located in beautiful areas, we’ll light up scenic views on dark highways that nighttime drivers are unable to see. The image on the billboard matches the view behind it, becoming increasingly brighter as it gets darker outside.

Google Maps will geolocate our billboards so that a digital postcard featuring the nighttime view of a nearby tourist attraction will be sent to users as they’re driving past it at night. A postcard of the beautiful view taken by Google Pixel will be saved to their phone and shareable with friends & family on social media.

In the dark caves of Minecraft, a notification will prompt users to activate night sight to help them see in the darkness. It will brighten the entire cave for easier exploration.

These posters will be completely darkened images of favorite nighttime moments that will only be revealed when you scan the QR code with your phone. This QR code links to a Night Sight filter on Tik Tok that will show how bright and colorful the image would be if it were taken on the Pixel.

The Tik Tok Night Sight Filter that linked to our poster QR codes will also be available on the app for users to be able to film themselves glowing in the dark on Tik Tok. This filter completely brightens users’ silhouettes by detecting their movements in darkness, allowing them to make fun Tik Toks in settings without light.